SM Kunststofftechnologie GmbH places great importance on meeting the requirements and specifications of all customers to the highest extent, because our customers’ satisfaction is always our top priority. Therefore, expert counseling for our customers and production of individual custom-made products are our highest priority.
We always offer the opportunity to have a custom-made product tailored to your needs and wishes. You can choose the material that will best suit your project from a variety of high-quality plastics in different colors, structures and properties. Thanks to numerous kinds of plastic in our warehouse that we provide for our customers, we can also meet extraordinary wishes on demand. In addition, owing to close cooperation with our suppliers, we are always ready to process the material you require without having a long wait. Moreover, we are happy to advise our customers on the process most suitable for their individual custom-made product.
No matter if our customers already have a detailed model or just a rough idea, we are happy to advise them personally by applying our expertise and know-how to their custom-made products to ensure that they can implement their project in the best possible way.
If you have any further questions about your custom-made product, you are welcome to contact us at 0781-96 91 89-0 or simply fill out our contact form.